Real Personal Computing is a web site that I own that is hosted in WordPress. The domain is registered via WordPress to be associated to this site.

I created the site in reaction to the ending of my "professional" (for pay) writing for Mobile Content Today, which by then had been redirected toward solution networking. I wanted a site on which I could continue publishing articles that I write about personal computing.

The purpose for the name of the site is to declare that we were not seeing at that time the beginning of the Post-PC era, which implied an ending, but rather that what we were witnessing was really the beginning of the **real** personal computing era.

I expand upon this topic in the first article for the site titled Post-PC Era Or The Beginning Of The Personal Computer Era?

>If there ever was an oxymoron, “personal computer” is it. What exactly is personal about the personal computer? The problem is that the term personal in personal computer defines a number rather than describes the device.

>Although I understand why the term “post-PC” fits to denote a pivot away from the type of computers most people have used in the past, I contend that in actuality the devices we have been calling personal computers all these years never were personal computers and that the tablets and smartphones now on the market today are the first real personal computers.

In the second article that I published on the site, titled Let's Get Real , I expound on a definition of personal computing and state my goals for the site.

>personal computing = hardware + software (apps) + Internet + intelligence

I think my definition of personal computing as the combination of the above items has held up very well over the last seven years. Today we are seeing an emphasis on intelligence (machine learning or AI) added to a variety of products.

Finally, we come to the focus of the site:

>So, the focus of this web site will be on the emerging personal computing era that I have laid out in my first post and in this post. I will be writing about the mashup of hardware, software, Internet, and intelligence that I think will make personal computing real. As I said previously, each of these components are at different degrees of maturity, so I will write about each individually and together as appropriate.