Meet the Germhunters
Origin Species
- SARS 2003: 4 months civet cat - MERS 2015: 9 months camel - SARS-C0V-2: 16 months ??????
Competing Thesis
- Wild Food Markets 25% - Recombination (2 viruses) 25% - Lab Leak 25% - Other Spillover 25% Assume each has a 25% probability...
- What we know, what we don’t know PolitiFact
- Not a topic to be ignored blog
- Debunked... page
Unrestricted Investigation Overdue
U.S. secretary of state calls for more thorough investigation of Covid origins in China NYT
Ralph Baric, Jesse Bloom, Alina Chan, David Relman: Investigate the origins of Covid-19 page
Washington Post
China is sitting on the answers - Editorial Board
> WHAT IS China trying to hide about the origins of the pandemic — and why?
Nicholas Wade
Origin of Covid — Following the Clues medium
Decentralized Radical Autonomous Search Team Investigating COVID-19 search
- Importance of Wuchang district analytics
Classified Reports
Lawrence Livermore's “Z Division,” biodefense intelligence unit, issued a “Top Secret” report on May 27, 2020.
> The report assessed that both the lab-origin theory and the zoonotic theory were plausible and warranted further investigation page
P3CO Review
Potential Pandemic Pathogens Control and Oversight (P3CO) Framework was setup to make sure any gain-of-function research was conducted with oversight of concern for dual use. Chair page
- 2014 Oct: Pause certain GoF research page
- 2017 Jan: P3CO framework setup pdf
- 2017 Dec: Removal of Pause page
- 2019 Oct: 18-27 Military World Games page
- 2019 Dec: Hunt for patient zero points to page
- 2020 Apr: EHA WIV grant terminated page
- 2020 July: EHA must provide sample to page
- 2020 Aug: NIH awards EHA new grant NPR
- 2021 April: NIH bypassed P3C0 review page
> However, the NIH grant abstract reads, “Predictive models of host range (i.e. emergence potential) will be tested experimentally using reverse genetics, pseudovirus and receptor binding assays, and virus infection experiments across a range of cell cultures from different species and humanized mice.” page
NIH Continues Funding EcoHealth
YOUTUBE 2MndwrOzDvo Exchange between Sen. Rand Paul and Dr. Anthony Fauci - CSPAN May 11, 2021
- NIH Head accuses Rand Paul of misinformation page
- Contradicted by Wuhan web page archive
- Fauci argued for GoF benefits over risks page
World Health
Tedros Adhanom, head of W.H.O, declared that the conduct of a specific investigation into the hypothesis of a Chinese laboratory accident was necessary. “It requires further investigation, probably with new missions and specialist experts that I am ready to deploy,” page , FT page
- Origins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus - WHO report
- Kristian Andersen PhD -WHO report summary
Marion Koopmans, WHO team, admits coronavirus manipulation in Chinese animal labs. February 2020 interview uncovered by WCW page
Lab Notes
Unseen Wuhan research notes could hold the answers – and why lab-leak rumors refuse to die archive
- Characterization of a New Member of Alphacoronavirus with Unique Genomic Features in Rhinolophus Bats pdf
- viruses-473498_revision-compared copy_20190408 gdoc
BSL-2 Lab Leak
If coronavirus research was truly being conducted under BSL-2 levels in China, the case for an accidental lab leak goes up significantly.
> Here it is. Wow. Shocking that bat coronaviruses in some cases studied in BSL-2 in China pdf
Wild Food Markets
How Covid jumped?
> The most convincing theory, proposed by Dr Peter Daszak, Dr William Karesh, president of the EcoHealth Alliance, and advisor to the World Health Organisation, is that Sars-Cov-2 made ‘the jump’ in a wildlife farm in southern China. These farms breed exotic animals like civets and pangolins for meat, fur and medicines. A farm may have displaced or provided a new home for a colony of the rhinolophid bats that harbour the virus page
Recombination (2 viruses)
Stanford Professor David Relman wrote:
> arguments against deliberate engineering scenarios “fail to acknowledge the possibility that two or more as yet undisclosed ancestors (i.e., more proximal ancestors than RaTG13 and RmYN02) had already been discovered and were being studied in a laboratory—for example, one with the SARS-CoV-2 backbone and spike protein receptor-binding domain, and the other with the SARS-CoV-2 polybasic furin cleavage site; November 2020 paper
One probable explanation via @franciscodeasis:
- In-silico molecular overclocking of RaTG13 thread
- Thread unroll page
Mojiang Mine Bats
YOUTUBE P5EjqVkxms4 Director of the WIV biosafety lab Yuan Zhiming initially denied that RaTG13 came from the Mojiang mineshaft - 07:50s
WIV, EcoHealth, the Mojiang ‘miners’ cases and a bat sampling trip in April 2012 by Gilles Demaneuf page
>> TLDR: 7 trips: 4 already known (Ge et al., 2016), plus other 3 with massive sampling until 2015, including 7896-clade. All already in Latinne et al. page
Francisco de Asis
Find the differences!
>> Dangerous Liaisons Workshop (Feb-20) vs ESWI20202 (Dec-20)
"Mojiang bat CoVs" and Ra7909 and Ra7924 missing in the slide of Feb-21.
> That proved the 7896-clade came from the mineshaft and also that they have sequenced the spikes. via @franciscodeasis
Dangerous Liaisons Workshop
Dr. Zhengli Shi speaks from 1:11-1:44 and RaTG13?s at 3:04. HKU- Pasteur 24 Feb 2021
Lab-Made Theory
Ebright’s concerns go even further. The American lab director said the Wuhan Institute of Virology was engaged in “gain-of-function” research on bat coronaviruses, or work that typically attempts to add capabilities to viruses in the lab that they do not naturally have.
- $3,378,896 was paid to ECOHEALTH ALLIANCE, INC. where Peter Daszak is listed as the Project Leader (official data only goes back to 2014) also see page
- "Not true - we’ve made great progress with bat SARS-related CoVs ... tweetstamp
WIV Lab Leak Pushback
- What started pushback against Wuhan "Lab Leak" theory? Metzl on Rogan - March 9, 2021 video
GoF Lab Experiments
Video recorded 9 December 2019, three weeks before the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission announced an outbreak of a new form of pneumonia >>
YOUTUBE IdYDL_RK--w At 29:50 minutes, Peter Daszak: "You can manipulate them in the lab pretty easily. Spike protein drives a lot of what happens ... So, you can get the sequence ... build the protein ... insert into the backbone of another virus and do do some work in the lab"
Ex-Evergreen College cellular biology professor a generalist specializing in bat genomics discusses furin site cleavage and gain-of-function experiments in virology labs. page , page
Bioinformaticians Open-source
Genome characterization of 2019-nCoV page
After nine months bioinformaticians confirmed that RaTG13 was previously named BtCoV4991.
With 98.7% similarity at the whole genome level, BtCoV4991 could be a perfect backbone for SARS2.
>> Missing are eight sequences starting with
MN312632 Bat beta7905 - WIV+EcoH MN312671 Bat beta7896 - WIV+EcoH << MN312672 Bat beta7931 - WIV+EcoH MN312635 Bat beta7921 - WIV+EcoH MN312634 Bat beta7909 Rhinoiophus affinis Yuunna 2015 - WIV+EcoH May-15 China Tongguan MN312636 Bat beta7924 - WIV+EcoH MN312673 Bat beta7952 - WIV+EcoH
Notably, virus variants in humans are adapting toward the source (highly unusual in nature). In-silico phylogenetic sequence searches continue (65,000 computational processes in France).
"Humans are the top species in which SARS-CoV-2 is both efficiently translated as well as optimally interacting with ACE2" h/t @Daoyu15 page
Gain of Function
David Relman questioning Ralph Baric in 2014: "Suppose you had a transgenic animal with a human receptor and there was evidence that there was some predictability for human-to-human respiratory transmissibility. Would that experiment be appropriate, do you think?" c/o @nogofroc
YOUTUBE Aw-nR6-4kQQ Gain of Function Symposium - December 2014
In 2014 the Obama admin moved to prohibit gain of function [GoF] research. page
> So does that mean that research funded by R01ai110964 was prohibited? No. The research funded by this grant has centered on tracking and identifying naturally occurring coronaviruses - not engineering them. The research was carried out in facilities equipped to do that work. 16/n
Ralph Baric Patent
Methods and compositions for chimeric coronavirus spike proteins page
The present invention provides compositions and methods comprising a chimeric coronavirus spike protein.
What is claimed is:
1. A chimeric coronavirus spike protein comprising, in orientation from amino to carboxy terminus:
- a) a first region comprising a portion of a coronavirus spike protein ectodomain that precedes a coronavirus spike protein receptor binding domain (RBD) as located in a nonchimeric coronavirus spike protein, of a first coronavirus;
- b) a second region comprising a coronavirus spike protein receptor binding domain (RBD) of a second coronavirus that is different from said first coronavirus;
- c) a third region comprising a portion of a coronavirus spike protein S1 domain as located in a nonchimeric coronavirus spike protein immediately downstream of the RBD, contiguous with a portion of a coronavirus spike protein S2 domain as located immediately upstream of a fusion protein domain in a nonchimeric coronavirus spike protein, wherein said third region is of said first coronavirus; and
- d) a fourth region comprising a portion of a coronavirus spike protein from the start of the fusion protein domain through the carboxy terminal end as located in a nonchimeric coronavirus spike protein of a third coronavirus that is different from said first coronavirus and said second coronavirus.
Proximity is a Challenge
Ralph Baric states he *probably* cannot rule out the lab leak hypothesis (final paragraph of Section XII) page
Unique Addaption
In silico comparison of spike protein-ACE2 binding affinities across species; significance for the possible origin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus
Research work by Flinders University Professor Nikolai Petrovsky. Overall, the data indicates that SARSCoV2 is uniquely adapted to infect humans, raising questions as to whether it arose in nature by a rare chance event or whether its origins lie elsewhere.
Coronavirus may have been a 'cell-culture experiment' gone wrong video
Receptor Recognition in Mice
B1.351 and P.1 variants extend SARS-CoV-2 host range to mice page (not yet peer-reviewed).
See 2019 study relating coronaviruses to transgenic mice expressing human ACE2 page
- Rhinolophus bat coronavirus BtCoV/4991 page
EcoHealth Funding 2018 - Top 5
- $11.5 million: from U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) - $2.5 million: from U.S. Dept. of Defense - $601,474: from U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services (HHS) - $783,412: from U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security (DHS) - $900,000: from Johnson and Johnson
NIH teamed up with EcoHealth and renowned Chinese virologist Shi Zhingli, nicknamed “bat woman,” at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. They engineered genetic hybrids of bat coronaviruses, successfully getting them to infect human airway cells grafted in mice page
The Science and Politics of Predicting and Preventing Pandemics - Columbia Oct 2020 page
50:19 Daszak on lab manipulation is non-logical page
Jake Sullivan, speaking on Face The Nation, President Joe Biden's National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, said the report being prepared by a team of experts led by the WHO cannot be trusted.
MARGARET BRENNAN: Jake we're about to cross this milestone of half a million Americans dead due to COVID. Do you think there needs to be a 9/11-style commission to figure out what went wrong? video
- The WHO report cannot be the final word page
Jamie Metzl
- Jamie maintains a blog on the origins of SARS-Cov-2 page
YOUTUBE fSaqOHypxTI Metzl on 60minutes WHO-led inquiry March 2021
> Jamie previously served within the Clinton administration in the U.S. National Security Council, State Department, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and as a Human Rights Officer for the United Nations in Cambodia. His Wikipedia page
Lessons Learned Download
State Dept Fact Sheet: Activity at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Jan 15, 2021 page
- Illnesses inside the Wuhan Institute of Virology
- Research at the WIV
- Secret military activity at the WIV
YOUTUBE RGalGgZYNSo Matt Pottinger on "Face the Nation" - Feb 22, 2021
Inside the WHO-China Mission
- NIH on hot seat with call for investigation into US funding to Wuhan lab page
- Members of the WHO-China mission discuss their investigation into the origins of the COVID-19 virus. March 2021 Chatham House video
EcoHealth Grant Application
- EHA NIH grant avoided P3CO review page
- Aim 3 of Peter Daszak's grant AI110964-06: Create a virus-like SARS-CoV-2. page
- EHA failed to disclose its work was supported by taxpayer funds page
- EHA violated the Stevens Amendment page
- EHA President WIV past raises questions page
- EHA kept research records with WIV pdf
Potential Conflict of Interest
Scientists sound alarm on WHO team's public dismissal of lab leak theory, cite investigators' "fixed views," lack of access page
> potential conflict of interest posed by Peter Daszak, the director of a New York-based science nonprofit who funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars of federal money to the Wuhan lab in the years leading up to the pandemic.
The drafter of The Lancet statement was none other than the president of EcoHealth Alliance, Peter Daszak. Which means that the very statement that, for many months, shut down open debate on the possible laboratory origin of the China Virus, was actually the product of an organization that was collaborating with the Wuhan lab in the genetic engineering of coronaviruses page
>BBC: Given this report rules out a lab-leak, isn't your credibility on that a little undermined by the fact that you ruled out a lab-leak even before you came here?
>Peter Dazsak: No! page
hidding tracks
conflicted "raison-detre"
- An investigation into the WIV databases that were taken offline page
Database Down
French data scientist Gilles Demaneuf, who helped organize the March and April open letters, said the Wuhan Institute of Virology shut down its online database holding thousands of genetic sequences for bat coronaviruses in September 2019 – about three months before the city recorded its first Covid-19 cases.
Recovered Records
You will never hear that "98.7%" from anyone at WIV or WHO
> They mixed matched sequences and made the phony seq and changed its earlier name. They knew that from RdRp, intelligent people would deduce that it’s the same. Themselves. And then they will nod! I think they used 4991 whose genome would be 98 percent similar, for cov 2.
Updated the DeletedDB paper to reflect the contradictions in recent statements made about that DB.
These contradictions should ring some alarm bells.
Phylogeny of SARS-like betacoronaviruses including novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 page
RaTG13 is a positive-strand RNA virus. RaTG13 is the closest virus found in nature to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2.
- with a 96.2% similarity.
- SARS-CoV-1 has approximately an 80% similarity
- pangolin coronavirus (Pangolin-CoV) has up to a 92% similarity to SARS-CoV-2.
- bat coronavirus RmYN02 collected in 2019 from Rhinolophus malayanus in Mengla County in Yunnan, China has up to 93.3% similarity.
The S protein of RaTG13 virus does not have the Furin cleavage motif RRAR↓S page
- SARS‐COV‐2 chimeric structure and furin cleavage site might be the result of genetic manipulation study
Expert: difference between COVID-19 and the virus from bats is 96.2 pct. RaTG13 needs 50 yrs for similarity video
Similarity Tools
Using NCBI NIH Blast page
We ran a similarity search on closest Bat and Human species:
- Rhinolophus malayanus (RaTG13)
and Human (SARS-COV-2).
Names of the RaTG13 Amplicon Sequences page
Similarity Blast Search
RID: 3BEE6H84016 Job Title:Nucleotide Sequence Program: Database: nt Nucleotide collection (nt) Query #1: Query ID: lcl|Query_12971 Length: 9
>>> No significant similarity found.
Also, see GenBank the NIH genetic sequence database, an annotated collection of all publicly available DNA sequences page
Mutant Strains
- B117 (Kent) - which mutations matters page
- California man tests positive for Covid-19 weeks after getting second vaccine dose page
- Why spike protein mutants spread faster video
- B117 on track to predominate @TrevorBedford
Human Challenge Trails
The world’s first Covid-19 “human challenge” trial - infecting healthy young adults 18-30 with coronavirus - will begin in London within a month, to analyze the virus and how the immune system responds. Dr's will monitor how the virus infects the immune system so effectively. Every aspect will be controlled including quarantine and follow-ups. page
- Twelve months later, still in intensive care. The doctors still don’t understand why Covid had such a devastating effect on Peter Draper page
Wuhan Patents
Researchers have uncovered accounts from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) scientists and applications for patents for bat breeding that refute World Health Organization (WHO) inspector Peter Daszak's claims that the lab does not house live bats captured in the wild page
WIV patent for rearging bats
- A kind of carnivorism bat rearging cage patent
- Artificial breeding method for wild bat of predatory worm patent
Notice patents filed by Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (中国科学院武汉病毒研究所). Filing dates are 2018-06-15 and 2020-10-16.
Related Lab leaks
LiveScience -- Just today (April 18), the vice director of WIV Zhiming Yuan CGTN, the Chinese state broadcaster, said "there is no way this virus came from us," NBC News reported. "We have a strict regulatory regime and code of conduct of research, so we are confident." page
- Officials punished for SARS virus leak
By Zhang Feng (China Daily)
Updated: 2004-07-02 01:06 page
- China calls Germany's Bild 'despicable' for reporting on Wuhan lab leak theory page
- Group of scientists presses for fresh inquiry, including into lab escape theory page
- Call for a Full and Unrestricted
International Forensic Investigation into the
Origins of COVID-19 pdf
Not everything that is researched in labs is published
> And from the published record, we know that scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, one of the labs in Wuhan that researched bat coronaviruses, had renamed viruses with sequences closely resembling SARS-CoV-2 in an apparent attempt to obfuscate their previous work with these viruses before the pandemic. page
> WIV has alleged that it had to remove access to the DBs for security reasons, because they had supposedly been targeted by hackers. page
The main DB,, could easily fit on a USB key that could have been given to investigators.
Alexa Crawls @alexa99 is holding out against an attempt to erase WIV Wildlife-borne Viral Pathogen Database from the internet archive @waybackmachine page
Emails show scientists scrubbed early warning of potential lab origin of COVID-19 page
- In February of 2020, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy directed the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine to "rapidly examine the information and data needed to help determine the origins of the novel coronavirus that is causing a global outbreak of respiratory illness." page
- Yet, in an earlier draft, sent by National Academies Board on Health Sciences Policy Director Andrew Pope, the response letter offered a more speculative interpretation, advancing a natural-origin theory of the disease while expressly leaving open the possibility that it escaped from a lab in some form. page
No Competing Interests
A competing interest exists when the authors' interpretation of data or presentation of information may be influenced by their personal or financial relationship with other people or organizations page
Does the author declare no competing interests?
> - Statement in support of the scientists, public health professionals, and medical professionals of China combatting COVID-19 Lancet
> - EcoHealth orchestrated key scientists statement report
"I have no grants or funding or ongoing collaborations with either): page
> - Angela Rasmussen - PhD pdf
Doctoral advisor - Vincent Racaniello
> - Peter Daszak - PhD page
TWiV hosted by Vincent Racaniello
> - Dr. Angela Rasmussen - Institutional Bio Safety Committee UW pdf
> - Dr Wesley C. Van Voorhis, applicant.
> - NIH funding. August 27, 2020 page
Carrie Wolinetz is NIH head of dual-use policy:
> - "It's my day off, but I was delighted to turn on the radio and hear @angie_rasmussen answering questions about #COVID19 #vaccines page
Global Virome Project
Congress is finally investigating the lab accident covid-19 origin theory |-Opinion
- Congress to spend $1.2 bln, 6x on EHA page
- Global Virome Project page
- Competing interests: None declared. page
- Dr. Eddy Rubin page
- Background: Viral Diseases Workshop page
- The Lancet - Outbreak - Jan 24, 2020 page
- State Department cables warned of safety issues at Wuhan lab studying bat coronaviruses page
- Wuhan Tianhe Airport Special Passage for Military Games - Sept 25, 2019 page
- How China's 'Bat Woman' hunted down viruses from SARS to SARS-CoV-2 page
- Researchers discovered cave 15 yrs ago page
- Living links doc by @ErinSandersNP page
- Dr. Li-Meng Yan 'interviews' page
- Yan Report Paper 1 page
- Yan Report Paper 2 page
- Yan Response to CNN page
- Dr. Angela Rasmussen 'unlikely' page
- Peter Daszak ‘Heinous!’ page
- Hidden military funding page
- Five days that shaped the outbreak page
- 54 Days: China and the pandemic page
- 54 Days: America and the Pandemic [2/2/2021]
- Evidence No Natural Evolution page
- Covid-19 Likely in U.S. in Mid-December 2019, CDC Scientists Report page
- Orchestrated statement on natural origin page
- Edward C. Holmes. The proximal origins of SARS-CoV-2 page
- How a Wuhan lab became embroiled-FT page
- Six reasons a lab leak is unlikely page
- Bayesian analysis concludes came from a Lab page
video about the paper is here: page
- Luc Montagnier HIV Nobel Prize Winner says virus bioengineered in lab page
- WHO: Daszak offers behind scenes look page
- Serological Evidence of Bat SARS-Related Coronavirus Infection in Humans, China pdf
- WIV lab head rebukes Pompeo's WSJ commentary [disinformation campaign?] page
- WHO inspector revealed coronavirus manipulation in Wuhan before pandemic page
- In 2018, Diplomats Warned of Risky Coronavirus Experiments in a Wuhan Lab politico
- Alina Chan, a molecular biologist, on being labeled a conspiracy theorist page
- The WHO’s inability to divorce itself from Beijing’s propaganda doesn’t help page
- EcoHeath eyes $98 million of $1.9 trillion page
- NIH pressed EHA for info on WIV lab page
- Investigation of NIH/EIS funding WIV page
- New emails show scientists’ deliberations page
- WHO Covid-19 Investigator Peter Daszak has ties to the Chinese Communist Party - Report
- China’s deception over COVID-19’s origins gets more outrageous every day - Opinion
- Signals Hubris or Ignorance page
- China’s coronavirus vaccine shows military’s growing role in medical research page
- No one can find the animal that gave people covid-19 page
- ESWI2020 keynote lecture Zhengli Shi page
- Unseen Wuhan research notes could hold the answers – and why lab-leak rumors refuse to die archive
- Epic Screw-up of US and China TheHill
- WHO and Critics Look to Next Steps page
- Plan to expand US GoF budget 6-times page
- Networking for advanced users page
- Lawmakers ask for details from EcoHealth pdf
- Russians Say COVID Came from an American Lab in China. Is It True? page
- Fauci Relaunched NIH Gain-of-Function page
- Science Politicized--MIT Technical Review page
- $61,491,183 Federal Grants to EcoHealth page
- Is Furin Cleavage Site a COVID-19 'Smoking Gun,' or Is it a Damp Squib? page
- Rep Anna Eshoo, Democrat chairman of a congressional committee overseeing biotechnology page
- Letter to DNI Haines for IC investigation pdf
- Stakes of finding Covid-19s origins page
- Profiling key players in GoF research page
- Our incompetent elites and C19 origins page
- Intelligence on sick staff at Wuhan Lab page
- No, Science clearly shows that COVID-19 wasn’t leaked from a Wuhan Lab page
. Forbes page
- About 1 in 13 billion is zoonotic in origin page
- Dalgleish & Sørensen fight to publish page
- The media’s lab leak fiascopage
- Opinion from India page
- TWiV 760: SARS-CoV-2 origins w/ Peter Daszak, Thea Kølsen Fischer, Marion Koopmans page