Updating Fedwiki

From time to time some of the packages that makeup the wiki software will be updated. To see if updates are available for any of the wiki packages, run:

npm outdated --silent -g | grep '^Package\|^wiki'

If there are any updates available, the globally installed wiki can be updated by re-installing it:

npm install -g wiki

We have to install as running npm update -g wiki will only work if the wiki package itself has been updated. An alternative approach would be to run npm update in the directory containing the wiki install. The location for running this will vary depending on which platform you are on. If you installed the wiki package locally, rather than globally, you can run:

npm outdated --silent | grep '^Package\|^wiki'

and npm update in the directory you installed the wiki package.

You can stop and start the wiki by using `stop wiki` and `start wiki` - but restarting the server is also good, and if you are also applying the OS updates then a restarting the droplet will be required.

The OS is updated by running `apt-get update` followed by `apt-get upgrade` as root, so might need running with sudo if you have hardened the droplet.

You need to be an admin use to be able to install plugins using the About Plugmatic Plugin - see Wiki Admin and Config Notes.

Here we learn how to install a Federated Wiki site, whether that be on your laptop, or a server.

To start the Fedwiki Server you simply need to run:

You can stop and start the wiki by using `stop wiki` and `start wiki` - but restarting the server is also good, and if you are also applying the OS updates then a restarting the droplet will be required.