Raspberry Pi3b+

Raspberry Pi 3b+

I bought the Raspberry Pi 3b+ in March, 2018 directly from CanaKit . During this past year I have been using it to run a variety of apps or just function as a Raspbian desktop.

I currently have it hosting the family wiki built in TiddlyWiki running as a Tiddlyserver on Raspberry Pi

I also run several bash scripts, scheduled in cron , on this device that backup several of my web sites including this wiki. I also have scripts that archive the backup files to storage device on my home network.

rpi-clone is a shell script that is for cloning a running Raspberry Pi booted source disk (SD card or USB disk) to a destination disk which will be bootable. Destination disks are SD cards in the SD card slot or a USB card reader, USB flash disks, or USB hard drives. github

I recently bought a second 3b+ that I am currently using to host an instance of Taiga. site

Command to see the internal temperature of the Raspberry Pi page :

vcgencmd measure_temp

At 82 degrees Celsius the CPU will throttle down speed to cool down the CPU.