Tiddlyserver on Raspberry Pi Zero W

I decided to rebuild my Raspberry Pi Zero W so that it can run a copy of my home wiki as a backup. Following the instructions on Tiddlyserver on Raspberry Pi.

First I need to create a boot disk. I initially tried the new Buster lite image, but that failed for some reason, so I used the Stretch version that I have on my Macbook. I suspect that the flash of Buster Lite did not work due to age of the app I used, but rather than re-try with Buster I decided to revert to Stretch.

Installed Samba for SMB file sharing using the instructions on this page . The share folder is at /share and therefore can base accessed via smb at \\pizero\share.

Installed Nodejs v9.11.2 using the instructions on this page

I am going to manually copy a recent Family Wiki backup compressed tar file from the NAS on my home network to the share folder on the Pi Zero.

I have created a script called resetwiki.sh that removes family wiki folder from the home directory, expands the backup tar file in to the share directory, copies the family tiddly wiki directory to the home directory, removes the contents of the tar file from the share directory, and then returns to the home directory.

**NOTE:** The script must be run as sudo due to the permissions needed to remove the wiki directories.

I have created another script to start Tiddlywiki in the family wiki directory. Unlike how I have Tiddlywiki running on the Raspberry Pi 3b+, I am not running Tiddlywiki in the background. I expect to either run Tiddlywiki here in a tmux session or interactively.

**NOTE:** Treat the instance of the family wiki on the Pizero as a read-only copy. Any changes that are made will be removed the next time the reset script is run.

I have created another directory to store a local wiki that will be retained on the Pizero. For now this is a scratchpad that I am not backing up. To create a new Tiddlywiki server, first created a new directory then cd in to it and enter:

tiddlywiki --init server

To run Tiddlywiki server first cd in to the directory containing the configuration file and the sites tiddlers and then enter:

tiddlywiki --server 80 $:/core/save/all text/plain text/html "" ""