I bought the iPad Pro 10.5 at Best Buy on June 16, 2017. This is the second generation iPad Pro announced on June 5, 2017.
My out of box experience wasn't stellar due to default restore from my iPad Mini 4 backup, which running a beta of iOS 11. During June 2017 I wrote
several things about my experience using the Pro.
## Change Log
* 2020-11: I traded-in this iPad when I bought the iPad Air * 2018-12-06: Update completed and there is no appearance of the problems I had been experiencing. I can now use Outlook and OneNote with O365 and the Kindle app is working again. * 2018-12-06: Force recovery mode (Press power+home while plugged in to computer with iTunes until black screen then release power but keep holding home until message on computer) got the factory reset to work. Currently restoring from iCloud. Hope I am not restoring the problem. * 2018-12-06: Decided to do a factory reset. Tried resetting via settings and that did not work. Not everything was removed and when it came back no reset options were available. Now attempting to reset via iTunes. Good thing I still have the Macbook Air. * 2018-12-05: Apple released iOS 12.1.1 which I immediately installed. Now the Kindle app will not load. Still having problems with work Outlook and OneNote * 2018-12-04: Work OneNote account was removed from the iPad. Later the Outlook account was removed. Subsequent attempts to reload have failed. Might be due to running the iOS 12.1.1 beta; removed iOS 12 beta profile.
## Main Use Cases
* I read eBooks using the Kindle App for iOS * I write notes using OneNote (See How I Use OneNote